Mental Health Information and Resources

1/5 people in Canada have a mental health illness: 5/5 people have mental health (CMHA).

Mental Health is about balancing the different aspects of our lives, and coping well with stressors such as conflict, difficult emotions, and loss

It is estimated that 10-20% of Canadian youth experience a mental illness (CMHA).

Our work focuses on building capacity in schools and communities to promote positive mental health and prevent the development of mental illness.

What is Mental Health

This video from explains what mental health really means.

Learn About Mental Health and the Brain!

This animated video from Kids Want to Know explains how our brain deals with emotions in a way that is easy for anyone to understand

Ways to Wellness

This video from Alberta Health Services shares small steps to improve positive mental health.

Social and Emotional Learning

A key part of promoting positive mental health is skill development through social and emotional learning (SEL). SEL supports success in all realms of a child's life. Watch this video from the Government of Alberta to learn more!

Find more information on SEL: Learning

The Collaborative of Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

Additional Resources

Learn More About Mental Health

Looking to Access a Non-Urgent Service?

Crisis Support Services

If you, or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911.

If you are struggling with your mental health and need to connect with someone in the moment, try one of the following options:

Distress Centre

Call: 403 266 4357

Online Chat:

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